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 Post subject: Re: Stenzel Bar
PostPosted: 13 Jun 2012 11:44 
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bueller ball breaker wrote:
Thing is here no one has tested one so how do they know if it works or not :tw:

Good point well made

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 Post subject: Re: Stenzel Bar
PostPosted: 13 Jun 2012 12:13 
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Maz wrote:
Only ever seen one in the flesh and that was on a bike that came in for a new front engine mount lOl

It'd be more telling to know how long the new engine mount, aided by the Stezel, lasted; the Stenzel could have been fitted the day before the original broke...
How many broken mounts / bolts have you encountered, Maz, as a percentage of all the tubers you've seen?
What proportion of those failures were, in your opinion, down to abuse?
Does the (correctly fitted etc) replacement last any longer in the same hands?
In other words, is a 'fix', other than a correctly fitted billet mount with new bolts actually needed at all?

'98 M2 Razorback, it's a keeper.

 Post subject: Re: Stenzel Bar
PostPosted: 13 Jun 2012 21:30 
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Rik, IMO all the standard mounts will fail sooner or later, regardless of how the bike is ridden, abused etc.......Euro geared bikes are more prone, especially those ridden two up.
The Stenzel bar is a good bit of thinking and should work in theory but in practise the design is flawed/restricted by clearance issues etc. and in any event it is made redundant by the correct fitment of a quality billet mount.
The bike I saw with a Stenzel fitted had only been equipped as such for aprox. 18 months but had failed in the normal manner ie. LH bolt sheared and RH leg was then fitted with one of Spondon 440's billet mounts and the Stenzel removed......never heard from the bloke since, so I'm guessing all is well.
As far as I'm concerned the correct fitting of a quality billet mount is all that's needed.....cant remember how many I've fitted now (Andy would probably know better because he makes them) but I've never had a failure reported.

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 Post subject: Re: Stenzel Bar
PostPosted: 13 Jun 2012 21:36 
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Thanks Maz.
I remember being shocked by the poor quality of the metal when I chopped the air box mounting off my original an Aero bar inside!

'98 M2 Razorback, it's a keeper.

 Post subject: Re: Stenzel Bar
PostPosted: 13 Jun 2012 21:59 
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Exactly.......and if you ever see the mounts fitted to early Buells, such as S2's etc., you'll notice that they're quality castings of the same design as all the current billet mounts :)

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 Post subject: Re: Stenzel Bar
PostPosted: 13 Jun 2012 23:17 
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Glad iv'e ordered a new mount from spondon 440 (Andy) got to be a good investment :yup:

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 Post subject: Re: Stenzel Bar
PostPosted: 13 Jun 2012 23:39 
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Yep......especially if you fit it correctly :)

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 Post subject: Re: Stenzel Bar
PostPosted: 14 Jun 2012 00:56 
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Maz wrote:
......actually, that's not entirely makes the bike a bit heavier :)

:hehe: :hehe:


 Post subject: Re: Stenzel Bar
PostPosted: 14 Jun 2012 08:46 
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Would have been interesting being a fly on the wall when whoever decided to make the last incarnation of the mount :?
Did anyone say "hang on a minute this will f##k it up" lOl

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 Post subject: Re: Stenzel Bar
PostPosted: 14 Jun 2012 09:23 
proff. patpending
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bueller ball breaker wrote:
Would have been interesting being a fly on the wall when whoever decided to make the last incarnation of the mount :?
Did anyone say "hang on a minute this will f##k it up" lOl

Or when they discussed the revised isolator with the reduction in bolt diameter...

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 Post subject: Re: Stenzel Bar
PostPosted: 14 Jun 2012 13:19 
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Nick, remind me to show you the 'revised' isolator that's in my 'black museum' next time you're at did around 500 miles :headbang:

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 Post subject: Re: Stenzel Bar
PostPosted: 14 Jun 2012 13:37 
proff. patpending
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Aww man, after all the excitement...



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 Post subject: Re: Stenzel Bar
PostPosted: 14 Jun 2012 13:41 
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In my world (cars) I see the most atrocious designs imaginable on an everyday basis. :twisted:
I often wonder if the 'designers' go home and say to their wives (that is, if any of them are capable of normal relationships... :hehe: ) "Had a great day at the office today Love, wait til they try to change that clutch/cambelt/oil filter/whatever!" The very worst IME are those that work for VAG, who seem to take pleasure in designing brackets that overlap a bolt head just enough to prevent access, which requires that said bracket to be removed and guess where its bolt is...yep, just obscured by another bracket....and all these bolts have different sized heads too.... :headbang:
In quality terms it has to be Renault and Fiat who between them must compete to use the poorest quality materials to make their shoddy products out of...and I imagine similar conversations from those in the purchasing department.... "Hey Honey, bought some REALLY cheap sixth-hand steel today!" ...and I found some Chinese bearings at a tenth of the price of the ones we were using before!" :roll:

But then I have to remind myself...these people are not in business to make my life easier, nor to provide the punter with an everlasting, they are only in business to make a higher level of profit than last year. :idea: To achieve that means the lowest factory-gate price possible coupled with long labour times to rectify faults that are designed to occur outside warranty.
I test this theory frequently and it is true every time, with the notable exceptions of Honda and Toyota. The rest are now experts at designing cars that will work perfectly for three years (no warranty failures) and then progessively fall apart and earn them money from costly spares, the difficulty in access is to try to ensure that the job comes to them rather than DIY or indies...
The stated intended life is only six years in the case of Renault, a bit like our expectancy of three-score-years-and-ten, any extra is a bonus, you keep it longer than that at your own peril!
Remind yourself of this next time something fails on your ten year old car/bike/washing machine and you struggle to get to it as easily as you think you should....welcome to my (and Maz's and Tubbs's etc etc) world. :old:

PS In case you doubt the relevance/truth of this, consider the decision to drop the cassette transmission set-up on the Buells, Tuber to XB range...much much cheaper to build as an integral unit and it should outlast the warranty period, but consider the cost to fix failure outside's a virtual write-off!

'98 M2 Razorback, it's a keeper.

 Post subject: Re: Stenzel Bar
PostPosted: 14 Jun 2012 14:03 
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pash wrote:
Aww man, after all the excitement...



Anyone that believes H-D actually went to the trouble of developing an improved isolator for bikes they stopped making 10 years ago, must also believe in the tooth fairy.
What actually happened was that they raided the parts bins for an existing H-D mount that would fit a Buell and chucked it in a bag with fitting hardware and fitting instructions that claimed it was 'new and improved'......trouble is that it doesn't work at all because it uses a 7/16'' bolt instead of the Buells 1/2'' item :roll:
Easily sorted by boring the new isolator to suit the original 1/2'' hardware.....and the kit is much cheaper than the Buell item ever was.

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 Post subject: Re: Stenzel Bar
PostPosted: 14 Jun 2012 14:40 
proff. patpending
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But you say they don't last long...

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