Devonbob wrote:
I busted two early on then fitted a FS tensioner. I used to ride to work on a route that took me over speed bumps, well they're not call slow bumps so.. Anyhow I am convinced that it is the decompression of the suspension that does for the belt. Much more careful these days.
Oh dear. I've been using those big square speed bumps as ramps

to get a bit of air under the front tyre (only to cool it down a bit

It's through a village on the route I take home from work on the rare occasions I ride in. On my Triumph I used to consider them a PITA that I simply rode around but on the Uly...Woohoo! I've only had my 2006 XB12X a coiuple of months but I'm really getting to enjoy it more. Perhaps it's just me learning how to ride it but it reali is bring out the hooligan in me. Wheelies with a sensible high-viz vest on...
Back on topic, if you get a spare belt 'just in case' then it's better to fit it in the garage before the old one snaps. Not only does it give you the time to enjoy the job properly but a new belt is always a bit stiffer. If you carry the old one as a spare when touring, at least it will be easier to fit than a stiff new one. I also didn't like the idea of a £200 belt sitting in a slightly awkward position in the luggage but I could accept some compromises with the old 'emergency' belt.
Changed mine as above at 20,000 miles. Did the same on my partner's Blast at 5,000 miles. Do it now.