It may have been a bit soggy at times on Saturday and Monday but we still enjoyed our weekend in the New Forest. It was well worth the 588 mile round trip.
I must admit the V-twin rally itself has lost some of its sparkle, especially compared to previous years when we used to go on a regular basis, when it was held in Shaftsbury. Perhaps the weather forecast had put many people off?
Sunday was easily the best day - glorious weather for the most part and, purely by accident, we took part in the annual Sammy Miller Run. We only heard about the run when we signed in at the rally on Saturday afternoon so we thought we'd go along early on Sunday to watch the classic and vintage bikes arrive at the museum. Although the run is primarily intended for motorcycles and three wheelers manufactured before 1980 they asked us if we would like to take part. It was only £6.50 to register on the day, so £13.00 later we ended up with numbers 96 and 97 on our bikes, a route card and the prospect of a nice day ahead in the company of some interesting people and machinery.
Funny how things work out when they're unplanned - they're often the most memorable. The Sammy Miller Run was brilliant and an excellent way to explore the picturesque New Forest countryside. The 55 mile route, laid out by Percy Gosling, took us all over the National Park through some stunning scenery on mostly traffic-free roads. We'd been issued with a route card but this wasn't strictly necessary as the route had been marked out with red 'classic bike' arrows at each junction. Mr Gosling and his merry band of helpers had obviously put a lot of effort into this event. I can't remember the name of the pub we stopped at for lunch but it wasn't far from Ringwood - we spent a enjoyable hour or so sat in warm sunshine just chatting to fellow riders and soaking up the unique atmosphere and sound of classic and vintage motorcycles.
We only saw 2 Buells all weekend, a blue X1 and this XB, with a foreign(?) plate and no UK tax disc. I didn't get to speak to the rider unfortunately so can't confirm where he'd come from.
Number 96 and 97...
Prior to taking part in the Sammy Miller Run...
A few of the more interesting bikes at Fordingbridge...
Chris & Jane Jessop
Founders of UKBEG April 1998