Thanks to everyone who made the effort to come on such a nasty day. Much respect to those who rode in from quite considerable distances through snow storms. Extra special respect to CJ and a shivering Jane who stood in the cold all day preparing the burgers.
Really should have done a proper headcount but here are those I remember seeing including a couple whose screen names I didn't get to check.
Out for dinner in the evening we had:-
CJ and Jane
Rik, Tigs and Sugar Lips
Willy Buell (X1)
SillyB (X1)
Dunk and Sarah (XB12Scg)
DrzSimon and Carrie
BuellAbusa and Fat Slag
Neillus (X1)
Jill Brown and Ade (XB12Scg)
Kevmean and Ronnie (X1)
Ursus Americanus (XB12X)
Others during the day:-
Spartan117 (XB12X)
Dean (1125R)
Vernon (1125CR)
John J plus 2
Paul, Gibbsy plus 1
Mrs Peel, Steed and Ben
Stevenorton and Sue (X1 Millenium + XB12S)
Coco (M2)
Mr Waff (XB12S)
Darren (XB12S)
I make that 38 people with 15 Buells. Apologies if I've missed anyone out and to those whose names or screen names I don't recall. A fantastic turnout considering the weather.
Planning to do a rideout from the shop to Em's Day again this year and Jon and I have already booked the day off. Be great if those of you who live in the East or South East would join us for the ride.
Thanks again to all of you for the effort you made and also to Pash who nearly made it and had to be recovered home to fit the belt he had there because we didn't have one