I have an '06 Ulysses that has been converted into a bomber (lightning) (remember that?!) and a really, really annoying fault.
From start up, the bike is fine (although I have to charge the battery if left alone for more than a week or so). So, the bike fires up and off I go……for about 10 or so miles it's all good.
Then it starts getting really weird. Firstly, the revcounter starts doing a little dance…pinging up and down erratically. Then, after a few more miles…excessive backfire and spluttering- especially on acceleration. This is accompanied by more rev needle dancing but this time it is swinging away like a liberal marriage.
Then after a few more miles, the bike starts to lunge and almost bunnhop as the splutters get worse and the needle is all over the show. It is quite hard to stay on at this point.
Then, a few more miles along….it all stops and everything is fine for ages.
Any clues of where to look? I really want to get the bike ready for the summer (I ride all year, but have other work horses for the snowy stuff).
This is the same fault I may have mentioned ages ago, but I've had more kids/bikes since then and only now got the buell out of the garage. I would love to ride it this year

Many thanks.