jiltedjohn wrote:
Red end be an optimate lead

Spot on it was fitted by the dealer I bought it from although they did not supply the bit you plug in to the mains to charge the battery.
With regard to the tyers I went for (after a bit of research) a pair of Avon 3D storm tyres after checking tread depth with my guage on the origional tyres and my long term riders instict said bin them before it bins you. I went to Nottingham autocraft on the A52 just of the A46 and offer a ride in service. Great service even though wheel removal is non standard (big thanks to this group for the online manuals).
Spotted the fork length issue that Adam refers to in an earlier post, rear removal possible with 2 B2 style lifts after losening the pinch bolt.
I genuinly thought 80 miles later that I had made a big mistake see photo
IMG_20140818_144119.jpg [ 1.24 MiB | Viewed 1661 times ]
but on returning the bike to the tyre fitter it seems like I picked up some metal that did the dammage and it was covered by the Avon warranty. Big thanks to Ashley at Nottingham autocraft who deserves our support.
In response to our rodent friend I did wonder if it should have been a butt plug as the tyre failled at 80mph. Luckily no damage to bike or rider (although I couldnt have drawn a straightline on a chalk board for the remainder of the day). I do think the front brake on the bike was a big factor in helping to keep things under control (shifting the weight over front wheel etc) Since I started riding in 1976 I have never experienced anything similar and hope not to again.
To date about 300 miles on the tyres they seem to give good grip and feedback in a variety of conditions. The Avon material suggests they can be used for track days but I am unable to comment on this.