As of this afternoon the S1 is alive and kicking. It seems ages ago i started this project and it was sometime late november that the frame came off and was sat on the workmate in the back garden whilst i chopped unwanted bits off it. A piece of cro mo 4130 was the tigged in to the frame (Cheers for that info Bob X1 glider) where the missing spar should be and a few other welding mods done whilst it was in the workshop, then it was off for powder coating. As the engine was on the bench it was time for the cam case chop, lucky hands oil pump drive gear done, oil line re-route, and rocker boxes polished. Now while maz can do this with his eyes closed this was my first foray into the engine and it was with some trepidation that all the pushrods,cams etc came out. With a workshop manual, Adams clear and concise directions in the 'how to' section

and numerous brews/chats with

it all went straight forward. Then the brakes went on as i decided to send my rear shock back to AST for a damper service and powder coated spring. It went there on the 4th of dec and they kept it three long months, lie followed lie as they fobbed me off with excuse after excuse as to the hold up with the spring. Eventually it came back with the damper serviced and the old chipped spring still on, The only good thing to come out of this was it was FOC. The service they provide is appalling. Whilst waiting for said rear shock the rear pulley was sent to germany for a bit of machining. This finally turned up wednesday and was the last piece of the jigsaw. So the last couple of days everything has been screwed back together, fresh oils and filter, fresh fuel and the battery charged up and today it burst into life. You were right maz, it sounded like a biscuit tin full of nuts and bolts till the lifters filled up then it all sounded as it should. Tonight i'll sleep a very peaceful sleep