Remove the rear brake line where it connects to the swinging arm, my bolt snapped
Withdraw swinging arm spindle and then the bottom shock bolt that you should have loosened beforehand, makes it easier to handle. Take air box off and base, you can get your hand in and disco - disconnect the fuel line from the off side. Crap pic. ignition on and off to drain the frame or leave ignition on and flick the cut out switch off n on. This was the 1st time my old pump has sounded like a pump should presumably cos there's no pressure.
I had two cans full which only took about 10 mins to fill. the fuel pipe and power lead from the pump unit and remove the drain plug, there's about half a cup full comes out.
I screwed in a longer coach bolt I had kicking about with a nice chunky washer type job, got me grips on there and used it as a mini slide hammer which worked a treat then waggled it out no bother. withdraw the pump. & new pump look different. a little grease round the O ring seals and slide in the new fuel pump unit tightening the allen bolts in the usual fashion. and connect the fuel line and power, turn ignition on & off a few times to prime the new pump and WOW it sounds like a proper fuel pump now - check for leaks. Slap the rest back together.
I came across a few allen bolts that were a bugger to get moving and snapped one.
If your not a toker and avid coffee drinker the whole job could be done in a couple of hours easily, it goes back together a lot faster than taking apart
Very basic tools needed.
An old bolt, washer and mole grips.
The usual Yankee torx keys (only two sizes)
Yankee or old Brit allen keys. A 1/2 inch spanner.
Like this un. You should have one for removing your wheels wanna buy an old fuel pump?