Hello Everyone,
I am going to give you a little insight to my life at the moment, which my put a little downer on your day, so I apologise in advance.
My names Josh Summerscales, I'm 20, and i currently live in the beautiful town of Towcester, near Milton Keynes, so Hello from here

Although I enjoy watching motorbikes and they have been a huge part of my life, I am not much of a biker - I'm a car man myself, specifically Mercedes. As I said, bikes have been a huge part of my life. I remember bits of my first ride with my dad, i was only 2 or 3 at most and my dad sat me on the back of his bike and made me hold on tight (which he had been teaching me how to do by spinning me around the room holding my hands). He proceeded to take me round the block for my first ever ride on a motorcycle. I loved it to say the least. It was an Aprilia RS something or other, all i truly remember was that it was silver and was "too fast" according to my mum. My dad loved it though, as he did all of his bikes throughout the years, even the ones that were clearly past their best.
I am very new to this site after Maz introduced me and I have been toying with what to say for the past week or so now, but i have finally decided that I am just going to let it run from the heart. Here goes.
So these past few weeks have been the worst of my life. For those of you who dont know, I'm Andrew Summerscales' son (andrewandcarly i think his name was on here). Four weeks ago, he decided to take his own life. The news broke me. It tore my heart straight from my chest and left me here to suffer. Everything in my life seems to have fallen apart and I feel so alone, even with so many people around me. I find it hard to talk about things, i always have. I like to appear like everything is ok and that I am coping well, but today I could not hide from the pain anymore. Thats why I am here. I was wondering if some of you guys would share some happy stories about my dad as the only things that comes to my head at the moment are the bad ones.
Many of my dads friends have reached out to me recently, specifically Dave and Maz. The two of them have kept me sane, sharing stories of my old man and just in general making me feel wanted. Maz has told me that I am part of this family now, so I guess I will have to fill my fathers boots and get some posts up about biscuits or cakes. I'm sure many of you knew about Andrews love for a biscuit or 2......or 10.
I wasnt aware until lately of how large a part of my dads life you all were. In my opinion, this is one of the places my dad went when trying to get away from everything. This place and you guys kept him safe from his own thoughts and troubles and so for that I want to thank you all.
I also want to again thank everyone who came along to Andrews funeral, you made the day as best you could and I am enternally grateful - We all know he would have smiled at the loud revving engines early in the morning, waking everyone up.
Thats it from me for this post I think, You will probably see me pop up with a few more topics in the near future, so keep an eye out. Anyone who wants to contact me, feel free to do so.