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 Post subject: Hi Everyone!
PostPosted: 26 Sep 2016 20:40 

Joined: 18 Sep 2016 18:59
Posts: 1
Current ride: Mercedes CLA
Hello Everyone,

I am going to give you a little insight to my life at the moment, which my put a little downer on your day, so I apologise in advance.

My names Josh Summerscales, I'm 20, and i currently live in the beautiful town of Towcester, near Milton Keynes, so Hello from here :)

Although I enjoy watching motorbikes and they have been a huge part of my life, I am not much of a biker - I'm a car man myself, specifically Mercedes. As I said, bikes have been a huge part of my life. I remember bits of my first ride with my dad, i was only 2 or 3 at most and my dad sat me on the back of his bike and made me hold on tight (which he had been teaching me how to do by spinning me around the room holding my hands). He proceeded to take me round the block for my first ever ride on a motorcycle. I loved it to say the least. It was an Aprilia RS something or other, all i truly remember was that it was silver and was "too fast" according to my mum. My dad loved it though, as he did all of his bikes throughout the years, even the ones that were clearly past their best.

I am very new to this site after Maz introduced me and I have been toying with what to say for the past week or so now, but i have finally decided that I am just going to let it run from the heart. Here goes.

So these past few weeks have been the worst of my life. For those of you who dont know, I'm Andrew Summerscales' son (andrewandcarly i think his name was on here). Four weeks ago, he decided to take his own life. The news broke me. It tore my heart straight from my chest and left me here to suffer. Everything in my life seems to have fallen apart and I feel so alone, even with so many people around me. I find it hard to talk about things, i always have. I like to appear like everything is ok and that I am coping well, but today I could not hide from the pain anymore. Thats why I am here. I was wondering if some of you guys would share some happy stories about my dad as the only things that comes to my head at the moment are the bad ones.

Many of my dads friends have reached out to me recently, specifically Dave and Maz. The two of them have kept me sane, sharing stories of my old man and just in general making me feel wanted. Maz has told me that I am part of this family now, so I guess I will have to fill my fathers boots and get some posts up about biscuits or cakes. I'm sure many of you knew about Andrews love for a biscuit or 2......or 10.

I wasnt aware until lately of how large a part of my dads life you all were. In my opinion, this is one of the places my dad went when trying to get away from everything. This place and you guys kept him safe from his own thoughts and troubles and so for that I want to thank you all.

I also want to again thank everyone who came along to Andrews funeral, you made the day as best you could and I am enternally grateful - We all know he would have smiled at the loud revving engines early in the morning, waking everyone up.

Thats it from me for this post I think, You will probably see me pop up with a few more topics in the near future, so keep an eye out. Anyone who wants to contact me, feel free to do so.



 Post subject: Re: Hi Everyone!
PostPosted: 26 Sep 2016 21:04 
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Joined: 05 May 2009 20:00
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Hi Josh
i never had the honour of meeting your dad
from what i have read he was a decent & sound bloke
life is complicated , no one has all the answers , be true to yourself
strength to you in this time :yup:


Feros Ferio

 Post subject: Re: Hi Everyone!
PostPosted: 26 Sep 2016 22:07 
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Hi Josh

I only met your Dad a few times and he was always a sound guy. Most of us probably knew him better through his posts on here, straight talking, no nonsense and defending the role of himself and his colleagues from the occasional troll. Obviously he posted a lot about the charity in memory of his friends after that horrible incident.

I'm sorry that I couldn't make it to his funeral but I've heard a lot from those who went about what a great job you did. A tough job for someone of your years especially in such horrible circumstances.

I only live twenty minutes from you so if you want a chat anytime just send me a personal message in the first place. You actually live very close to a major Buell social centre, Jack's Hill Café on the A5, just North of Towcester. We had a Buell day there only a couple of weeks ago. DaveH and Howard both came down from Manchester for it.

Your Dad would be proud of you and you're now officially one of us 8-)


Back on the road again!

 Post subject: Re: Hi Everyone!
PostPosted: 26 Sep 2016 23:03 
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Hi Josh, with 60million people on this island I can honestly say I`ve only a few good friends from my life so far and I`m a twat some times. People on here are genuine, and when you meet them at Buell dos or need help they come through. Met your Dad a couple of times and he will be missed by us all. My Father has gone and I long to ask him questions about how to do things, what i should do . I still ask those questions , but know what he`d say. Good luck with your life, make him proud.

 Post subject: Re: Hi Everyone!
PostPosted: 27 Sep 2016 04:49 
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Hello Josh
Your Dad went through something that no person should ever have to. Indeed in his normal working life he will have had to deal with situations and people that no normal person ever experiences. He was part of a decent thin blue line stretched ever and ever thinner :headbang:

Depression seems to be a part of life these days but all have different ways of dealing with it. Counting your blessings by seeing what a shite life others less fortunate may be having doesn't always help, but if you have you health and the support of a good upbringing, time will hopefully be the healer. I had a few dealings with Andy via posts or PM's on here, His bright Yellow Spada waterproof suit hangs in my garage :yup:

Feel free to vent your frustrations on here, everyone else does and maybe join in when something is going on. Emm's day is a good example of a great hugfest. We all have more in common than you may think :4roz:

Hang in there Josh.

I'm a Hornithologist, I get excited by exotic birds.........

 Post subject: Re: Hi Everyone!
PostPosted: 27 Sep 2016 08:53 
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Hey Josh

It was an honour to ride for your dad on his last journey and to give you a hug. There are plenty more where that came from. Maz is right you are family and as such all you need to do is ask and we will be there for you.

As for your Dad he was a very naughty boy with a wicked sense of humour. He had a smile that could light a room up from 20 paces. I was gob smacked how like him you are it was like seeing him 20 years ago to meet you. My biggest memory of him is the night of the Great Mill Raid when we "broke into" Maz's old place to move his stuff. Your dad was on duty and whenour torches were spotted by the recycling plant on the other side of the river, he somehow misdirected his colleagues and then proceeded to scare the bejazus out of us by coming round the corner with blue lights flashing and sirens blaring. He thought it was hilarious also his strong sense of justice meant he bent the so called rules to help his friends.

Like Steve said don't be a stranger all you need to do is drop a PM, write a post or just turn up and you will be welcomed with open arms.

Its a blonde thing alright!!!!!!!!!!

 Post subject: Re: Hi Everyone!
PostPosted: 27 Sep 2016 10:31 
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Hiya Josh
Never met your dad, but had many tit for tat postings about the state of the police with him
Folk on here are the sort that will go out of their way to help another and have a real sense of group spirit, always ready to support one another (if and when) life gets more than difficult to cope with...they've kept me sane on occasions!
Welcome to the family
A big dysfunctional family at that!

I hate being strapped for cash....but it pays the bills

 Post subject: Re: Hi Everyone!
PostPosted: 27 Sep 2016 11:52 
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Joined: 07 Nov 2011 18:10
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Hi Josh
only meet you dad a few times at Maz'z open days and Adams Deliverance gathering . top bloke and so sad to hear of him passing , feel you pain , try to keep chin up and think of the good times you had , as others have said, there's lots of Buell events through out the year , Em's day is one of them but with it now moved to this time of year rather than the main summer months , dont know how many will turn up , jack hills is close by as is Rugby and Sproutfest , our christmas gathering , have a look in the events section for whats on , rides out , not all buell members arrive on bike, you would be made most welcome turning up in a car as I have in the past .
All the best

Buell Ulysses XB12X 06/08

 Post subject: Re: Hi Everyone!
PostPosted: 27 Sep 2016 13:07 
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Welcome Josh.
Glad to have met you in person and proud to have been part of the entourage representing this group at your dad's funeral. Trust that you will share a smile at some of the banter on here and that you will have your own amusing stories to share.

Buell owners should be committed (but not for life) ;-)

 Post subject: Re: Hi Everyone!
PostPosted: 27 Sep 2016 22:29 
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Joined: 15 Apr 2009 17:25
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Welcome Josh,
Sorry I'm late replying but when I went to write this mid morning, I didn't have the words, I just sat at my keyboard with tears in my eyes. Your Dad was a fine man and it was an honour to count him as friend just as it was an honour to carry him on his last journey, one of the saddest and most difficult things I've ever done. If you remember, we had a conversation at the wake about the scattering of ashes; when you feel the time is appropriate get in touch, as the club have a very special memorial tree in my field and many of us would like to have a memorial service for your Dad.
Of course, you'd be most welcome at any of our gatherings, and as for stories about your Dad, remind me to tell you how he got me into trouble over a tea cup that didn't belong to me, my youngest daughter didn't speak to me for a week! Take care and look after yourself, you are in our thoughts.


If your dreams don't scare you, they are not big enough.

 Post subject: Re: Hi Everyone!
PostPosted: 28 Sep 2016 12:24 
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Welcome Josh!
You have a PM

'98 M2 Razorback, it's a keeper.

 Post subject: Re: Hi Everyone!
PostPosted: 29 Sep 2016 11:01 
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Hi Josh, welcome.

We had a brief chat but you had a lot going on. Basically what Adam said - your Dad was a good man and will be missed by everyone that met him. Even though he was having a tough time he could still make us smile and could talk shite with us :)

I've no doubt we will meet again at Adam's gaff. I'll look forward to it :yup:

Better to Burn Out Than Fade Away

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2001 X1
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 Post subject: Re: Hi Everyone!
PostPosted: 01 Oct 2016 01:44 
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Hiya Josh,

So glad that you posted - we have all been keeping you in our thoughts, along with your old man. He was a beautiful human, with a wry sense of humour. His main mode of mischief was ripping the piss out of Maz - which always makes a bloke popular! lOl

I have always said that UKBEG is better than family. They are always there for you and will rally to the call, if at all possible. Your one of us now sunshine, so welcome to the fold.

Those of us who had met your Dad had our hearts broken when he went. We can't fix the hole that he left, but we can stuff it full of love. Doesn't sound very rufty tufty badass biker - but it takes a pretty tough cookie to love a Buelligan - especially the gnarly, twisted and miserable ones!!

You did an awesome job of arranging the send off and it gave me a smile amidst the sadness to see the hundreds of people waiting; going silent, turning towards the roar of the bikes coming up the avenue, their jaws dropping and them all saying WTF!?!?

For as long as Adam lets us invade his gaff in Wales for Deliverance, we will raise a glass to your Dad - as well as our other absent friends - sit around the fire with a few beers and reminisce about him - so keep the first weekend in August free...forever!

I will think of him every time I ride my X1 - as he was key in the rescue of it, during 'The Great Mill Raid' - in his role of 'Naughty Copper' whilst I was stuck helpless offshore.

Despite being a miserable Northern Bastid, when he smiled (as he often did - well, at least when I was around...but why wouldn't he!? :D ) It lit up the world. You have inherited that smile, so keep spreading the light young Summerscales.

Massive squeezes :4roz:

Go big!! Or go Home!!

 Post subject: Re: Hi Everyone!
PostPosted: 01 Oct 2016 11:04 
Milf Hunter
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Hi Josh and welcome to the Club. :sun:
It was an honour for me to be part of the escort for your Dad on his final journey (I was riding the yellow Triumph) but there were tears clouding my vision from the moment we left the house.
I only met Andy once a year at Adam's place, but that is mainly due to geography, but I felt that I knew him through this place.
Andy was one of us and to some people that may sound strange, but this forum brings together people with a certain outlook on life that is hard to describe, to those who don't get it.
How you managed to get through the day with such dignity, is a sure sign of the strength of character that is within you and those of us that were there were very proud of you, that you did your very best for your Dad.
I was 24 when my Dad died (30 years ago) and the pain does ease with the years, but I still think about him in some way most days.
As all the others have said, you are part of a family here and if you need help in any way, don't be afraid to ask. Some of the best people that I have ever met, reside right here on this forum. :sun:

If you do nothing else, make sure you come to Deliverance next year, so you can enjoy a relaxed weekend with some of your Dad's friends.
Bring the girlfriend, bring the dog, but most importantly, bring the Merc, so we can take the piss. ;) lOl

Take care, Josh.

I started out with nothing and still got most of it left.

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