So, almost exactly six years on and my TPS finally gave up th ghost. Despite the good advice on the subtle differences between the pre ‘06 and post ‘06 sensors I still bought the wrong one.
I can make the new style sensor fit but my question is: Is the range of the potiometer on the late version TPS any different to the early version? I can modify the late TPS so the stops pick up the pins on the throttle shaft bu pointless if it can’t see throttle openings above 72%? For reference, the resistance readings accross the sensor are as follows:
Bk-gn = 0.61-4.2k (closed to open)
Rd-gn = 3.99-0.33k (closed to open)
Bk - Rd = 4.38k
I couldn’t get the readings off my old one as it’s trashed.
The following article from bad web help but doesn’t give the TPS resistance values: ... 1432290297
Worst case, I’ll but a new sensor. Equivalent alternative appears to be Airtex 5S5112