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PostPosted: 10 Sep 2018 21:33 
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pash wrote:
Is it just me or does anyone else think that those electrics look like an abomination?

You're being quite kind with that Comment Nick ;)

2001 X1 2009 1125CR 2006 Uly X3 2010 Uly a fully Maz'd S1 and a 1991 RS1200 Westwind.

PostPosted: 10 Sep 2018 21:36 
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Nutah wrote:
insulation tape is ok , but a bit of heat shrink tubing would be better long term :yup:
cheap to buy & a hair dryer will work to shrink it , or a lighter if your carefull
pvc tape glue isn't the best TBH long term.

And if you need to use tape get some self amalgamating tape ;) it insulates far better and also sticks to itself like shit to a blanket ;)

2001 X1 2009 1125CR 2006 Uly X3 2010 Uly a fully Maz'd S1 and a 1991 RS1200 Westwind.

PostPosted: 10 Sep 2018 22:23 

Joined: 01 Aug 2018 19:58
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Heat shrink is a won't do anything except make it look a little tidier.

The protection round the cables needs to be a lot thicker.

Anyone got a pic of the original guard?

In the meantime route it the right way & split some petrol pipe like I already said.


Ride Safe & Stay between the hedgerows.

PostPosted: 10 Sep 2018 22:47 

Joined: 01 Aug 2018 19:58
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Heat shrink won't do anything but tidy the look up a bit.

The cables need a lot of protection so they cannot short on the sub frame if the battery moves.

Look at section 7-7 in the 1125r manual, it's difficult to see it & it looks like it fits under the terminal to guide it through the sub frame at 3 o' clock looking from the front of the bike. The manual also mentions the positive cable guide.

It isn't as good as I first thought as it still allows contact at the top of the sub frame if the battery moves.

Just split some petrol pipe like I already said & tie wrap it round the cables & if you want to use heat shrink stick some over the ends to "tidy it up" as that's all it will do.

Insulating tape is fine for a temporary fix like you've already done, same as the previous owner of my bike did with gaffa, but it needs to be better than that.

Maybe if you're lucky you may get a proper guide from a breaker, but I wouldn't wait for that & it still won't protect where it needs to.

All the best Paul.

Ride Safe & Stay between the hedgerows.

PostPosted: 11 Sep 2018 01:49 
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The above company has all the remedies for proper wiring I have also used green line self vulcanising tape and spywrap its the one part of a job that can end in disaster if bodged, its also one part of a service that's ignored until there's an issue, well worth checking on a regular basis.


PostPosted: 11 Sep 2018 09:17 
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Thanks for the link Churchill :yup:
pash wrote:
Is it just me or does anyone else think that those electrics look like an abomination?

People need to think of insulation as a safety measure, the thicker the wire the more potential it has to cause damage when things go wrong, so IMHO in this situation it needs thicker insulation :idea: .

this is what happens when things go wrong

Buell Ulysses XB12X 06/08

PostPosted: 11 Sep 2018 10:10 

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It's the main battery power wire for God's sake folks.

This isn't about sealing the connector or even sealing in general, it's about protecting the F*****n wires from rubbing bare on the frame.

Self vulcanising tape or heat shrink can be put over whatever you use to fix it if you want, but believe me whatever you use, it needs to be thicker than tape.

What seems to be the problem with petrol pipe & tie wraps? is the fact that it isn't an OEM part or something & doesn't carry a safety guarantee on the packet?

Grow some. There isn't a part you can buy from Buell in a packet ready to bolt onto fix this.

Petrol pipe works! I also have it tie wrapped around the rear brake pipe where it's vulnerable at the end of the exhaust. This also works a treat. Safety first, looks can always be tidied up later.

Good luck with whatever advice you take. Paul

Ride Safe & Stay between the hedgerows.

PostPosted: 11 Sep 2018 11:04 
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Jazzbutcher wrote:
Heat shrink is a won't do anything except make it look a little tidier.

The protection round the cables needs to be a lot thicker.

Anyone got a pic of the original guard?

In the meantime route it the right way & split some petrol pipe like I already said.


i disagree about the heat shrink comment Paul , i would use more than one bit of heat shrink as layers add protection, , BUT if rubber pipe is what you have use that by all means
the principal is the same :yup:

Feros Ferio

PostPosted: 11 Sep 2018 11:40 

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Hi Nutah

I agree that several layers of heat shrink would work, but it ain't that easy to get the right size over the terminal to start that process. I did consider this fix myself but abandoned it in favour of pipe.

But these are the reasons we're discussing this isn't it?

All the best Paul

Ride Safe & Stay between the hedgerows.

PostPosted: 11 Sep 2018 11:43 
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Feros Ferio

PostPosted: 11 Sep 2018 12:57 

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Pics of the battery terminal fix I did.

Took 10 minutes or so.

As they say, a thousand words.

All the best Paul

Buell terminal 1.jpg
Buell terminal 1.jpg [ 815.26 KiB | Viewed 1750 times ]
Buell terminal 2.jpg
Buell terminal 2.jpg [ 1018.39 KiB | Viewed 1750 times ]
Buell terminal 1.jpg
Buell terminal 1.jpg [ 815.26 KiB | Viewed 1750 times ]

Ride Safe & Stay between the hedgerows.
PostPosted: 11 Sep 2018 23:15 
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I turned my 1125 into a trackday bike and the original battery committed suicide through neglect lOl I found away that a Tuber battery (off my X1 with reversed polarity terminals) could be safely mounted in the 1123 tail. By moving some of the electronic boxes around a bit, the original battery leads could also be used. All insulated with several layers of shrink wrap, and little plastic shield around the terminals shaped with a heat gun from an old plastic milk bottle lOl That stuff is as tough as fek lOl

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PostPosted: 12 Sep 2018 08:03 

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Mmmmm an 1123! Dont think ive seen one of those :rotfl:

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2018 08:32 
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Mmmm I think it's an age thing , happens to most when they retire :old:

Buell Ulysses XB12X 06/08

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2018 11:41 

Joined: 01 Aug 2018 19:58
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Hi Folks,

Listen, the petrol pipe is simply a semi permanent fix the same as insulating tape or heat shrink or anything else. I'm aware that this is something that needs looking at properly when I have more time, but in real life the nights are drawing in & I have some serious riding to be getting on with.

However, to be honest I'm struggling to think of anything that will give as much protection to the cable excepting some kind hard plastic sheath and it could look better. The truth is though, that I care far less about what it looks like, than what it actually does & it certainly is not going to short. I have far more confidence in this "Fix" than I did with the Gaffa mess that I was currently running with & really that's what matters to me.

If anyone comes up with a better "Fix" I'd be more than happy to try it. Pics always help.

All the best Paul.

Ride Safe & Stay between the hedgerows.

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