rik wrote:
I'm picking up my crankcases today, I've had them vapour blasted and ceramic coated ('Ceracote') by these guys
http://www.hi-speccoatings.co.uk in Sussex.
I had previously rattle-canned them (with Simoniz wheel paint) in 2011 and it was fine... until I gunned it!...and then it started to bubble near the base of the barrels.
Ceramic coating is a very fine tolerance, wet sprayed process, used on guns and even pistons... Wesley at hi-spec did the block and heads, sump, cam and timing covers, and all 4 manifolds on my AJP8 engine (think there's some pics on his faceache) and it was faultless; much of that is down to his diligence in the masking process.
However, Maz was very insistant that I didn't get them 'powder coated'....as 'someone' had done
...and, as they will now return to him for the crank to be re-installed, I await his verdict with not a little trepidation.
I've ceramic coated pretty much every header and muffler I've ever owned. The hit-temp chrome-like finish ones have proved the most durable. The black, not so much. Anything that kicks up off the road tends to scratch the black fairly easily and it doesn't take long for it to look dull and faded when it started of a nice pretty satin sheen (hi-temp exhaust to 2000 deg) The normal black gloss might fair better but the exhaust stuff lacked durability.
For engine cases, I've actually had pretty good luck with using the texture black rattle can stuff from H-D. Some people have used the big box store sprays and the texture and sheen just isn't the same. Next to a good OEM part, the difference is obvious.