asda160 wrote:
andrewandcarly wrote:
it will involve you putting your hand in your pocket though!
I'm sure you are already aware that i'm tighter than a tight thing

I do not know what bike you are running Asda but a X/XT is less of a problem than most other 9/12s.
Try this. Put the bike on the stand, see how free the tension wheel is, idle the engine until the fan comes on and then see how free the idle wheel is. You will find that the wheel is tighter because the swingarm has become longer due to expansion via heat.
The FST adjusts for this and long swing arm movement with the right spring set-up. Balanced loading on wheel/gearbox output shafts/bearings. Belt fouling sorted = longer life. Smoother gear changes.
If you want to run your bike for any length of time then it is a must. Pricey I know but needed 100%.