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PostPosted: 22 Feb 2010 14:58 
Needs more cowbell
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Krafty, points taken. We do not tolerate bullying and any emails/pm's of complaint are dealt with quickly, as yet we have not received any from anyone.

Members size people up quite quickly here and can only react to what ever that other person posts. The written word contains no obvious emotion and as such can be open to interpretation. Some more sensitively than others.

The chap in the sale section was always going to get a bit of a ribbing for selling a Harley product on a Buell site! I don't see anything personal or abusive in any of it, if anything the only questionable thing in it was from its author suggesting that someone could visit his house to he can duff him up (or words to that effect) - Since edited out

Another thing is that a great many of us know each other in real life, as has been said many a time here, meet the real us and you will understand many of the in jokes and banter and appreciate it for what it is .... just banter!

KTM's ... ? nice :)

"With square conduct, level steps, and upright intentions ..”

PostPosted: 22 Feb 2010 15:52 
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Hello Krafty

I'm so sorry you feel that way and you are of course entitled to your opinion and assessment of us all which I dont necessarily agree with. I'm going on the assumption that we are all adults here and thus can speak for ourselves and deal with our own issues. Hence I am going to ask some questions, as while I applaud you in your anti bullying stance I believe in defending those who are unable to defend themselves so....

1) Have you personally felt intimidated or bullied by any member of this site?

2) If so have you raised it with that person via PM ( I can vouch for the vast majority of folk on here and know that they would not intentionally cause the amount of distress you imply, and had they done so without thinking I know most would apologize immediatley)

3) Failing that have you contacted the moderators via PM raising your concerns. Again I know them all personally and know they would act where possible and appropriate to sort matters out.

However as adults if you are defending other members, are you really sure they feel bullied or intimdated. Have they said as much to you? Or have they themselves been in touch with the culprits or the moderators? As capable folk I am sure if they had a problem they are more than able to take issue and sort their problems out.

I know all of the above has probably already been said and I can only repeat other members' posts. I (as a relative newbie) have met and formed strong friendships with more than a few folk on here and you cant hope to meet a more open minded friendly and fair bunch of people. You only have to let them know if you have a problem or need a favour and they are there in a heartbeat. Please dont be so quick to judge and dismiss. This lot are like a second family with all the associated highs and lows, made better by sharing them.

And finally I onnly get to ride the Buell when Rick isnt looking so you could call me a member by default but not once have I ever felt I didnt belong here.

Now I'll get off the soapbox and get my coat :sad1: (gratuitous smilie)

Its a blonde thing alright!!!!!!!!!!

PostPosted: 22 Feb 2010 15:58 
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Did somebody mention KTM's? Here is an SDR that I am quite partial to.
Think you should sit back and observe for a bit longer and maybe get to meet a few people. Your opinion may well change, but if not you have lost nothing.
Hope to see you around.

In a purple fug

PostPosted: 22 Feb 2010 16:27 
Hi Krafty,

I have been on this forum for almost 3 years now, and I agree, there are some who can come across as, for want of a better term, "bullies". Yes, there are some who will rubbish the model of the bike that you ride too, but stick with it, most are just paper tigers and are pussycats underneath.

In this forum, the common bond is Buell. The damn things get under your skin like an addicts dirty needle and you just have to have another fix. When you have such a unique interest, you'll find all kinds of humanity attracted to it. Look beyond what's on the surface and you'll find a wealth of treasure underneath. Stay with us!!!!

PostPosted: 22 Feb 2010 16:52 
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Buell Abusa wrote:
Hi Krafty Just been reading your first post in new members.
Good start when joining a new forum! :yup:
Now go and read Parasexas intro to UkBeg! ;)

That's a very good point BA.

Krafty - it takes a certain conviction to make such a statement/posting - and I admire that. Not that I have to agree with you, but I do respect your opinion and admire your action in speaking out on something that you clearly think is important and needs addressing.

As to whether there is bullying on this site - I'd say not on balance, but any site will reflect real life, and real life has bullying, good or bad (it's bad). Whether it exists here is an opinion, mine is that it does not to any meaningful extent that it should get that label.

What I do see is a concensus of opinion about certain individuals at times, and folks who think the same thing are going to say the same thing to that person - whether that is bullying, it rather depends on your definition - I'd say not at all, so that's how we'll differ.

As to the whole have-met and have-not-met issue, I think it is a red herring. Sure - it explains how people who have met and got to know each other well can be very 'to be point' without causing offence, but that's all. There's very little in any opinion on bullying that has got anything to do with have-met/have-not-met or any spurious oldie/newbie conclusions (it have about as much validity as the tuber vs fueller 'arguement'). I think people take as they find, and if a number of people find someone they think is acting like a toss-pot, then they say it. It is not just bullying because a number of people agree on something or someone. It may not always feel comfortable to see one person rounded on by many, but it really is just an individual 'against' a number of individuals - and that's not bullying in my book.

BTW - KTM is now the best manufacturer there is. That became official the day the Buell doors closed imho, until then it was a debate - but you'll find more people favour Buells here (quelle surprise), but that doesn't make consensus bullying if someone disagrees.

M' Tuppence.

p.s. I think a certain xxxxxxxx is a toss-pot too, but I've never felt any reason to say it - but if I had, I wouldn't be a bully, just honest.

Truly S1nthetic

PostPosted: 22 Feb 2010 17:14 
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Here you are Krafty! His introduction. :o

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PostPosted: 22 Feb 2010 17:21 
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Any chance of a paraphrase here for the hard of thought?
I have a small attention span and glazed over.....So what is the jist and why am I supposed to understand it.
I am me, he is him and everyone is an individual in their own right, the day we all become drones and subscribe to the same standards, is the day we all disappear up our own arses.
I will say what I like and like what I say, if anyone does not like it......Come and see me, PM me, but don`t put me in a pigeon hole with all the rest.
I have an opinion and have, as yet, not being afraid/allowed/prevented from using it.
Thanks for reading this dross, it was 1 minute you aint ever going to get back :tosser:

PostPosted: 22 Feb 2010 17:33 
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Whilst your points are all true, Krusty... sorry, Krafty, a point that I have tried to make many times over the years is that forums have a character.

UKBEG is as individual as the individual characters who post and the character of the site comes from them. There are people on UKBEG who post on other forums as well, probably posting a different attitude, a different style, a different character which is more relevant to those forums.

Those who post on UKBEG will not change to possibly suit potential new members because if those who post wanted UKBEG to be something different, it would be already.

Bottom line, and it's usually taken as a negative even though I don't think that it should be, is that there are plenty of forums out there for Buells and Buellers. If this one doesn't suit, it's no biggie, find another one which has the character that you want.

Good in straight lines
2001 X1 "The Tart's Handbag"
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PostPosted: 22 Feb 2010 17:38 
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Quite possibly telling the site owner that he was full of shit on their 5th post (especially on a Tech matter) wasn't the best introduction. Many other site owners would ban the person straight away. As for the other chap, once he'd explained that he had a cognitive disorder that sometimes led him to misinterpret posts (and I can only speak for myself here) it changed everything. Although I don't agree with the religious fundamentalism, if he does, then good on him. When I meet either of them, I'll gladly buy them a pint, despite anything said on here - and I'm sure others would as well.

Just to prove how tolerant we are, we've put up with Att for fekin years :ner: lOl

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PostPosted: 22 Feb 2010 17:52 
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deepsix wrote:
Dip in as and when you fancy and ignore the puerile stuff that we get up to fairly regularly.

That's pretty much the case for me. Although I will admit to dropping in almost every day, as over the years I've found a lot of the peurile stuff very funny. One truly wonderful thing about an internet forum is that if you don't like it, no-one will force you to stay. You can leave at any time with no repercussions and you never have to come back. You can pretend we never existed.

I hope you stay though. We like all sorts on here. :D

Oh; and I seem to have missed the slagging off of someone in Pompey. Can you tell me where to find it? Sounds like a laugh lOl

PostPosted: 22 Feb 2010 18:05 
krafty wrote:
3. KTMs are not ordinary bikes :D

hear hear :yup:

PostPosted: 22 Feb 2010 18:08 
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krafty wrote:
a bullying environment,.

maybe i should lighten up on Captain marmite and Dougal :?

..and ph, shuds,Pash,Mottorad, :shock:

it's enough the day will end, if we meet again, we'll smile. if not, this parting was well made

PostPosted: 22 Feb 2010 18:09 
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Adam wrote:
Quite possibly telling the site owner that he was full of shit on their 5th post (especially on a Tech matter) wasn't the best introduction.

I was about to say the same thing!

And as for the Pompey fella, Paul ... I have chatted privately with him and he is a very nice fella, he did get some stick on here but he gave as good as he got and never once complained to anyone about they way members reacted ... and don't forget one of his first posts broke a fundamental rule we have which didn't do him any favours.

I am sure there are a lot of people grateful that you have spoken up about things, but we haven't (publicly or privately) heard a peep from them.

As has been said, there isn't one person on this forum I wouldn't happily share a beer with ... but if he is a cock I will tell him so!

"With square conduct, level steps, and upright intentions ..”

PostPosted: 22 Feb 2010 18:09 
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Adam wrote:
Quite possibly telling the site owner that he was full of shit on their 5th post (especially on a Tech matter) wasn't the best introduction. Many other site owners would ban the person straight away. As for the other chap, once he'd explained that he had a cognitive disorder that sometimes led him to misinterpret posts (and I can only speak for myself here) it changed everything. Although I don't agree with the religious fundamentalism, if he does, then good on him. When I meet either of them, I'll gladly buy them a pint, despite anything said on here - and I'm sure others would as well.

Just to prove how tolerant we are, we've put up with Att for fekin years :ner: lOl

lOl ....No, I have had to put up with you newbies for years :ner: :4roz:

We are only discussing this because of the new poofter regime that has been brainwashing peeps for the last few years......Insisting that everyone is equal, are we fuck as like, we are all different and it is the appreciation of each others differences that makes it interesting....

PostPosted: 22 Feb 2010 18:12 
Needs more cowbell
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att wrote:
we are all different and it is the appreciation of each others differences that makes it interesting....

I actually agree with att :ill: :shock: lOl

"With square conduct, level steps, and upright intentions ..”

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