There may be more threads related to case savers, but I wanted to reach out and see how much interest there would be in a product similar to that in the link provided.
I am new to this particular forum and normally frequent a couple different forums, but I am reaching out to all 1125 forums to see how much interest there is.
Let me say straight up that I am in no way involved monetarily in this or any manufacturing process. I have Machineart "case savers" on my BMW R1200GS and really like them. They are made of some type of synthetic "plastic", better described on the company's link. In my opinion, they seem like they would hold up quite well in a slide. The material is hard, but doesn't appear brittle.
Given the lack of available products for the 1125 cases, I thought of this company. I have emailed them to see if they would be interested in designing them for the 1125. As you can imagine, their main concern is the number of buyers to cover cost/profit margins, given Buell is no longer in production. The target cost would be approx $150, give or take.
I am hoping to keep this thread constructive. As stated, I have nothing at stake here. I am only in search of an (more) affordable option to the Taylormade product. I am in no way slamming the Taylormade CF covers. From what I have seen, they look nice and owners seem to be happy with them.
If you would seriously be interested in these, make sure and reply.
I also posted this on a few of the other Buell forums in hopes of drumming up more interest.