kevmean wrote:
Docca wrote:
If they want to overtake on double whites or swerve into oncoming traffic, that's their business.
I would disagree with that statement big time..........1/4 of a tonne or more of bike hitting some innocent person head on is not just their business
I'm sure you'd not be happy to get a knock on the door to say that a member of your family had just been killed.............but don't worry it was only the business of the prat in the wrong
Mistakes do get made but people who regularly overtake on blind bends or overtake on solid white lines when there is no possibility of seeing the road is clear should if proved they were doing it deliberately be banned for life
Yeah, you've misunderstood me kev. There is a difference between what I said and condoning the actions described, which of course I don't. I'm not the Police nor am I king of the road and people shouldn't ride how I do, or else. There are enough self-policing arseholes on the road as it is, exampled by all those car drivers who swerve over into the centre of the road to try and stop you from filtering through traffic etc. Some biker on a VFR even gave me the 'wanker' sign the other day because I was out riding in my shorts.
I've done my time working in A+E, i've seen plenty of organ donors come in without heads, or limbs or paralysed kittens and I've decided some time ago to concentrate on my own ride and not attempt to judge others. Individual nannying has a tendency to snowball into a collective state that we are so purportedly opposed to.
This is the internet though and you have to take some of these tales with a pinch of salt. Don't forget that anyone faster than you must either be riding like a bellend or on a 180bhp rocket and anyone you've done in the twisties clearly is a muppet who can't ride their bike. It all tends to get a bit boring having to listen to/read about.
I think there are a disproportionate number of speed cameras on the UK roads. These cash-cows don't detect dangerous riding, they only pick up on speed and we all know it is perfectly reasonable to ride to the conditions of the road a few mph over most posted limits. It would be far preferable, imho, to have unmarked coppers out observing for dangerous riding.
As for crossing the central hatchings/double lines; I was taught to do this as part of 'using the whole of the road' so long as the road conditions allow it and it is safe to do so. Much better view of some corners when you are over on the right hand side of the road. This isn't the same as overtaking on a blind bend btw.