spondon440 wrote:
Why wouldn't you want it popping on overrun, think your looking for the golden fleece bud, my zx6r also pops a lot on over run, it did when it was new and standard, it really does now it's not.
I have a freespirits system on my uly,(mine is an 08) I've answered your previous post/question on this very subject, you need a freespirits fueller and even then it won't be perfect just because it won't.
It's standard ecm is trying to make your engine put out very exact emissions even at the cost of it running shit everywhere else, (the post 08 are the worst for this I believe) the freespirits will get you around this, I watched it do it to mine on a rolling road.
If all else fails though, buy a Honda.
I've been thinking about a tfi unit today. It's doing my head in now! Which way do I go cause I don't have the funds to change direction! From my perspective it's all unknown and potentially really expensive!
The popping thing to this extent is new. I'm not against popping but it's much louder than it once was and more frequent, and I'm not keen!
Not sure I'm looking for the golden fleece, but my inexperience is leeding me blind!
I've read that some have race ECM, exhaust, k+n and powerizer! Isn't that redundent with a race ECM?