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PostPosted: 28 Jun 2010 13:32 
We had a great season up to now with Harald Kitsch winning all 6 races in Sound of Thunder this year - including the ones last weekend in Oschersleben where he also did an all-time best for twins in 1:29:733 - IDM-superbikes with top-drivers, factoy-bikes out of Japan are doing high 1:27 there.
As mentioned in the header, the season ends with
Biketoberfest, Oktober 7. - 10. at Motorsport Arena Oschersleben.
There we have a Rockband in our pit which is filming for their new video and I had a discussion with the promotor of the series about the possibility of adding a track-day for Buell-drivers only parallell to the races - and it's possible if we get 40 drivers together! Instructors for the track-day will be Harald Kitsch (still necessary to explain who he is? 8-) ), our junior Roin Taborsky, Dirk Mothes, actual ProBears-champion on Ducati and long-time-fan of Buell plus others. We have the chance to practice on thursday and friday and to have an own race of 15 minutes on saturday and sunday each in o professional surrounding on a track which really suits the Buell! On the long straight you only reach the 4th gear with the XB - so it's no too fast...

If you're interested to participate, please answer here, we're trying to get some good prices for the whole event and look for sponsors so everybody might take something home - not only new experiences, sore muscles and new friends... lOl
If you think it's a really stupid idea - feel free also to mention that :bandit:

Please spread this information to other Buell enthusiasts also - I'm not registered in all Buell-forums in Europe and all interested guys should know! Especially our friends in France/Belgium/Netherlands... There I have no personal contacts!

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2010 09:49 
...nobody interested to party? Not keen to improve the riding skills? Guys, this might be the best trackdays you can get this year for your Buell! And one of the rare chances to see the 1190RR life and to study the details....
We've response from Germany and Switzerland - but none from UK!!!

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2010 11:10 
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Sorry, Thomas, we'd love to go but can't manage a fourth trip to the continent this year.

Chris & Jane Jessop
Founders of UKBEG April 1998

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2010 21:04 
...I can understand that - but you're not the only 2 users here in the forum I guess ;-)

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2010 21:27 
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Correct - I thought it polite to reply, even if it was in the negative.

It sounds a brilliant event and if we had enough days holiday from work left (and the money) we'd be there like a shot.

Chris & Jane Jessop
Founders of UKBEG April 1998

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2010 21:10 
Mr. Tourettes
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I am up for it Thomas, but wouldl fly over, rent, or use my car (my racing days are a distant memory). I will ask if anyone here wants to share the trip. :idea: :idea:


PostPosted: 02 Jul 2010 12:51 
keen to meet you :old: - and I hope a couple of other guys! - in Oschersleben. We have actually 5 guys from Switzerland, 1 from US, 1 from Belgium and 15 from Germany showing up with their bikes for the trackdays plus the races! If you share a small truck, transportation of a bike is quite affordable!
And if you're showing up without a bike you're also welcome! :eat: We prepare some surprises there for you :worthy:

PostPosted: 02 Jul 2010 13:31 
Mr. Tourettes
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Okay, is anyone else up for this trip. I can take my Jeep and a bike trailer (which I'll need to borrow or rent). The Grand Cheroke is lpg, so no channel tunnel, will not be taking my lad so that leaves three seats, split costs etc....any ideas :?:


PostPosted: 02 Jul 2010 18:44
..a quick impression what you would miss on a 2010-stock-XB12XS - even with this low-power-engine you can get a lot of fun on this track! There are 40 rider places reserved and today we have reached 34 participants!!!!

PostPosted: 02 Jul 2010 19:40 the first time plan for Oschersleben -
Thursday 5 turns
Friday 6 Turns
Saturday 2 Qualis + Race
Sunday warm-up plus Race's not final, just a first information!

PostPosted: 02 Jul 2010 20:04 
Mr. Tourettes
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thomas_w. wrote:
keen to meet you :old: - and I hope a couple of other gays! - in Oschersleben. We have actually 5 gays from Switzerland, 1 from US, 1 from Belgium and 15 from Germany showing up with their bikes for the trackdays plus the races! If you share a small f*ck, transportation of a bike is quite affordable!
And if you're showing up without a bike you're also welcome! :eat: We prepare some surprises there for you :worthy:

just messed about with that Tom, (to improve your English) :oooops:


PostPosted: 02 Jul 2010 23:38 
..we'll meet - and I don't forget that :handbag:
Hope some of your British "gays" show up on Oschersleben :yup:
I didn't know that my English is so lousy :headbang:
Maybe I'm better in riding than in languages... :oops:

PostPosted: 05 Jul 2010 12:16 
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I'd be up for this if I wasn't already booked up to go the Nurburg at the end of October. Haven't got the time or cash to do both.

PostPosted: 05 Jul 2010 15:39 
...none of you up for this event - except Richie? What else you need to meet on a German racetrack other Buellers out of Europe? Maybe this old lad from East Troy is also showing up...

PostPosted: 05 Jul 2010 19:14 
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In Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass auf den letzen 3 UKBEG-Treffen auf dem Kontinent (davon 2 in Deutschland) die deutsche Beteiligung doch eher sehr mäßig war, gibt es wohl keinen Grund, umgekehrter Weise zu klagen.

Taking into account that for the last three UKBEG events that took place on the continent (2 of them in Germany), german accordance was very poor, I don't see much reason to complain now.

(Holy cow, could someone explain english punctuation rules to me, please ...)

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