OK, so I have gone from a nice start and forget, smooth running fuel injection of the STT to a Mikuni and choke of my M1 with a grumpy personality!
My normal routine is to pull the choke out fully and thumb the starter (no throttle twisting) and leave it while I get my gear on, remembering not to walk away or the bike wanders back about 6 ft
When I pull away I push the choke in half way then in fully after a few minutes, it coughs and splutters for about half mile until it warms up. I have had one occasion when it coughed and spluttered mid slow turn (into a side road) and made the bike stall, sending me and the bike into an over balance and I nearly dropped the feckin thing
Maybe 3 out of every 5 starts I get a huge back fire from the pipe when starting from cold which wakes half the street at 7 in the morning, why might this be, the pipe isn't hot enough to ignite any fuel in it .. ?!
How do other Tuber owners with Mikuni carbs get on with cold starts and initial running. Mine runs rough and doesn't want to tick over for the first maybe 10 minutes of riding but after that its fine. How long is reasonable to leave the choke out, I am mindful that I dont want to leave it too long in case it creates any long term damage .... ?